About us

Karin Jauch
Lichtensteinstr. 24
71088 Holzgerlingen (near Stuttgart)
– Ms Karin Jauch
Professional Genealogist, qualified Geographer, individual investigations on basis of genealogical data.
A child of Baden and Wuerttemberg: her mother is from south Black Forest (Baden) and her father is a Swabian from Wuerttemberg. With this heritage she combines a special interest in local studies and history. Researches into her personal genealogy has increased her awareness not only in collecting facts and figures, but also in developing a feeling for ones own roots. This awareness has been especially intensive when experienced at original places and sources.
Advised by the following experts (in alphabetical order):
– Ms Rosmarie Auer †
– Prof. Christel Koehle-Hezinger
– Prof. Konrad Kunze
– Prof. Bernhard Mann
– Prof. Burkhart Oertel
– Ms Simone Brixel
–Ms Rosmarie Auer † (Lindau, Lake Constance)
qualified archivist, archive manager at the Protestant Hospital, Lindau. Numerous publications on the history of Holy Spirit Hospital and local history of Lindau, taught palaeography from 1986 to 2014.
–Prof. Christel Koehle-Hezinger (Esslingen am Neckar, Jena)
from 1988 – 1994 University of Tuebingen (local and regional history, village and rural area), from 1994 – 1998 Professor of European ethnology at University of Marburg. 1998 - 2011 Chair of Folklore (empirical study of civilization) at Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena » www.kuk.uni-jena.de/seminar-fuer-volkskunde-kulturgeschichte/mitarbeiter-zwischenspeicher/prof-em-dr-christel-koehle-hezinger
Numerous publications, including Regional History of Wuerttemberg, studies about women and religion. Further main subjects of research in history of civilization, in 18th, 19th and 20th century.
–Prof. Konrad Kunze (Freiburg im Breisgau)
of the German Institut at the University of Freiburg; Specialist areas: History of the German language, research into German dialects, onomatology, Latin and German literature of the Middle Ages. Also researching legends, saints and Iconography. His numerous publications can be found here » www.sdd.uni-freiburg.de/personen/ehemalige/kunze/startseite He is currently working on an atlas of German surnames » www.igl.uni-mainz.de/forschung/namenforschung/deutscher-familiennamenatlas/
–Prof. Bernhard Mann (Moessingen)
lectured in modern history at University of Tuebingen from 1965 – 2003. He last published a book about history in the Kingdom of Wuerttemberg 1806 – 1918: „Kleine Geschichte des Koenigreich Wuerttemberg 1806 – 1918“, DRW-Verlag, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2006
–Prof. Burkhart Oertel (Neubiberg)
lectured in mathematics at the Military University in Munich from 1972 – 2005. Since 1974, in charge of historical-demographic records of south-west Germany. Since 1978, he has coordinated the publication of Wuerttemberg’s family and regional documentation and has so far written and published about 30 books.
–Ms Simone Brixel (Freiburg)
„Come as a tourist. Experience like a local. Depart as a friend.
Black Forest Tours is a local agency catering solely to English-speaking visitors planning a stay in the Black Forest and surrounding area of Switzerland and Alsace.
With a focus on incoming travel from abroad we work with an extensive network of local partners to make your visit to the Black Forest memorable.”