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Karin Jauch
Lichtensteinstr. 24
71088 Holzgerlingen (near Stuttgart)
Website design: » top floor productions
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The contents of this website were researched and presented with greatest care. „Genealogy Tours“ holds no liability for accuracy, completeness or how topical the information is.
Instruction Regarding Your Right to Rescind
Right to Rescind
You can rescind your declared contract within 14 days in writing (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail) without stating a reason. The cancellation period begins upon
receipt of this notice in text form, however, not before the contract has been executed, and also not prior to the fulfillment of our obligation to inform
in accordance with article 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 sections 1 and 2 EGBGB and in accordance with our obligations pursuant to § 312g section 1
sentence # 1 BGB in connection with article 246 § 3 EGBGB. The cancellation must be addressed to
Karin Jauch
Lichtensteinstr. 24
71088 Holzgerlingen (near Stuttgart)
Consequences of the rescission
In case of an effective cancellation any services received by either party must be restored and any gains derived (for instance: interest) surrendered.
In case you cannot provide restitution for the services and benefits (for instance: user benefits) received, or you can only restore them partially or
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Explanatory notes
Your right to rescind becomes void prematurely if the terms of the contract have been fulfilled completely by both parties at your request before you
have exercised your cancellation right.
End of the Instruction Regarding Your Right to Rescind
Your Ancestors’ origin
- Photo girls’ class in rural area of Wuerttemberg, about 1900, private Jauch
- Photo Album of a well situated urban family, Wuerttemberg beginning of 20th century, private Doris Schmidt, Renningen
Your journey back in time /– Our offer
- Photograph Farm labourer's house in the area of Baar, Wuerttemberg in 1930 years, private Jauch
- Photo „The Thinker“ from Hotzenwald, Baden, beginning of 20th century, private Jauch
Example of a journey / – Glass bearer / Lenzkirch
- Record of Bromberger (done with software GES-2000), Genealogie EDV-Service, Stadthagen
- Parts of „House-, Family and Personal record in parish of Guendelwangen, recorded in November 1813 and corrected in September 1815 by Pater Mayer” (EAF, church book – micro film, Guendelwangen) by kind permission of Erzbischoeflichen Archivs der Erzdioezese Freiburg im Breisgau.
- Photo Black Forest couple in Sunday clothes at the photographers (St. Blasien about 1900), private Jauch
- Landratsamt Waldshut (Hrsg.): „Der Glastraegerweg. Auf den Spuren der Glastraeger durch den Suedschwarzwald“, Freiburg i. Br., 2001, 132 p.
- Tritscheller, Dr. Walter: „Die Lenzkircher Handelsgesellschaften. Ein Beitrag zum Studium der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung des suedlichen Schwarzwaldes im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert“, Lenzkirch, 1922, 108 p.
- Weber, Max: „Bevoelkerungsgeschichte im Hochschwarzwald – Quellen und Forschungen aus dem Raum von Lenzkirch, Freiburg i. Br., 1953, 115 p.
Example of a journey / – Wine-grower / Vaihingen
- Record of Gauss (done with software GES-2000), Genealogie EDV-Service, Stadthagen
- Parts of church book Vaihingen 1813: Marriage of Bonifacius Elsaeser and Margaretha Seherin on 28th September 1813, (by kind permission of Landeskirchlichen Archivs Stuttgart)
- Original map by Wuerttemberg’s land survey: Map Vaihingen 1827, scale 1:2.500 (© Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Stadtmessungsamt)
- Photo Children from a good middle-class family, Wuerttemberg, beginning of 20th century, private Doris Schmidt, Renningen
- Buehrlen-Grabinger, Kraus, Zurowski (Hrsg.): „Vaihingen, Rohr, Buesnau und Duerrlewang“, Stuttgart 1993
- Mann, Bernhard: „Kleine Geschichte des Koenigreich Wuerttemberg 1806 – 1918“, DRW-Verlag, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2006
- Koeniglichen topograph. Bureau (Hrsg.): „Beschreibung des Oberamts Stuttgart, Amt“ Stuttgart 1851
Baden, Wuerttemberg, Hohenzollern
- LpB (Hrsg.): „Migration“, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Stuttgart, 3. Auflage 2004, 56 Seiten
- Engehausen, Frank: „Kleine Geschichte des Großherzogtums Baden 1806 – 1918“, Landeszentrale fuer politische Bildung, Stuttgart, 2006, 208 p.
- Hippel, Wolfgang von: „Auswanderung aus Suedwestdeutschland“, Klett-Cotta / J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1984, 352 p.
- Baden-Wuerttemberg around 1789 / from: Harms Atlas Deutschland und die Welt, Paul List Verlag Muenchen 1968/69, p. 16